Vintage Wedding Apparel


Dreaming of a timeless, romantic wedding? Imagine lush, 1940s waves in your hair, or a champagne-colored gown women of the 1930s would’ve swooned over. Vintage weddings offer vast opportunities for unforgettable fashion, food, and design that all attendees will be eager to get involved in. Wedding planning can be overwhelming for a new bride-to-be, but it doesn’t have to be! Start with one thing at a time. The first thing to consider when planning your vintage wedding? What decade you’re dreaming of creating. Turn to movies, books, and artwork to discover what life was like in those times and if that is the kind of theme you want to take on for your big day. Are you planning on going totally retro, from invitations to guest favors? Or are you planning a more modern wedding and reception with vintage-inspired apparel and a few historic details? Either way, here are a few vintage wedding apparel pieces to help create the vintage wedding of your dreams.

Vintage Hair Accessories

hair Buy this beauty here.

hair2 Buy this beauty here.

hair3 Buy this beauty here.


Vintage Veils

The Floral Visor Veil weddingveil

Vintage Lace Veil weddingveil

The Feathered Visor Veil weddingveil2


Vintage-Inspired Wedding Dresses dress Buy this dress here.

dress2 Buy this dress here.

weddingdress Buy this dress here.


Vintage Belts

belt Buy this sash here.

Intricate Sash belt2

Dainty Sash belt3


Vintage Accessories

bracelet Buy this gem here.

necklace Buy this gem here.

bracelet2 Buy this gem here.

There you have it, dolls! All the apparel you could ever need to make up your perfect bridal attire. Happy planning!Save
